EEA certified, Equipment and Installations specialization
FFSA qualified
EFLAE certified
Mechanical Systems Engineer Graduate specialized in Computer Science Specialty for mechanics


But make no mistake: that’s not a slogan for show, for advertising or to catch the eye … we’re serious about the technologies used by our adjusters on a daily basis. With one single aim: optimized management of every claim.

But although we’re always curious and eager for new ideas, that doesn’t mean we fall for the latest novelties! They have to make sense and prove their effectiveness and relevance, and that’s been our motto since 2014.

The only purpose of innovation is to help us improve our practice, progress in our handling of claims and so ensure our clients are satisfied.

  • Surveyby 3D laser scanner
  • Endoscopic inspection of fire-damaged machinery
  • Use of a drone for a 3D scan or photographs
  • VeringEye for direct video-survey of a loss
  • Survey by satellite
  • Electroluminescence measurements on solar panels
  • Use of a numerical simulation tool to identify the causes of a fire

These are some examples of the solutions that we deploy depending on the type of loss, making sure they are valid and appropriate – because we’re convinced of their relevance and their real added value (responsiveness, quality, reliability).